With your first open home inspection fast approaching, one can only imagine that your nerves, excitement and anticipation is at an all-time high. This 5 steps checklist for your open home preparation will guide you through getting your home ready for inspection and hopefully put your mind at ease.
Step 1. Stop. Breathe. Relax
Read that step again. By now you would have either had your property professionally styled or done some superior
DIY styling, chosen your solicitor and chosen your agent. Remember why you chose that agent and trust that you chose them for a good reason. Now is their time to shine. Let go of the reins and breathe.
Step 2. Take out the trash
Quite literally, take out the trash and replace the bin liner. There is nothing worse than walking into a kitchen and smelling last weeks leftovers floating through the air.
Step 3. Put your cleaning gloves on
Do your usual Friday afternoon or Saturday morning clean, but ‘on steroids’. If the floor feels sticky, mop it and make it shine. If the toilet is not pristine, make it pristine. You’d be surprised how many people lift up toilet lids to thoroughly inspect bathrooms. Wipe down the kitchen bench and all door or cupboard handles and fluff all cushions and duvets. You know the drill.
Step 4. Bake some cookies
It may sound cliché but really, who doesn’t want to walk into a house smelling like freshly baked cookies. It will make your home smell warm and welcoming. And what’s better, you get to eat them after (and if you’re really nice, share them with your agent? And if cookies aren’t your thing, then muffins. And if muffins aren’t your thing then make some coffee and light a scented candle.
Step 5. Hit the town
Although the little voice in your head will be telling you to stay in the area and hang around the property, 500 meters away with magnified goggles eyeing off your front door; leave and go on a little day adventure. There is no use hanging around the area, wondering or stressing. This part is out of your control. Let us do our job and trust that you’ll be the first person we contact after the inspection.
Good Luck!
Looking for someone to help you manage an open home inspection? Contact Gerard Partners today!